June 21, 2021
From the Desk of Park Place Administrator John T. McKeehan II
Given some of the confusion surrounding Governor Abbott’s announcement last week, I wanted to give you an update on where we stand here currently.
Although the Governor’s announcement does provide flexibility in certain aspects of your public presence, it does not apply to our regulatory requirements. We fall under the guidelines of the Health and Human Services Commission as well as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Both are federal programs, and as such do not fall under the purview of the Governor’s relaxation of mask requirements. Our requirements have not changed.
Not all is disappointing news.
We have been allotted the capabilities to now start providing essential caregivers the rapid COVID tests required for visitations. Hopefully this will give you more flexibility in your visitations and mitigate some of the stress involved in scheduling appointments to get them done.
Smith County’s COVID positive rate is now below 10% and the need for for hospital beds has been significantly abated. Our last day maintaining our COVID unit will be March 16th. In addition, effective March 17th we will return to Phase 2 status with visits permitted for designated essential caregivers. At that time, we will also apply for Phase 1, which will allow for additional visits from non-designated essential caregivers.
Warmest Regards,
John T. McKeehan II, Administrator